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Bacterial Staining Methods

Bacterial Staining Methods

    Sprirochete Staining

    1.     Fontana's method

    Solutions required:

    1.     Fontana's fixative (see fixatives)

    2.     Absolute ethyl alcohol

    3.     Fontana's mordant

    4.     Phenol (melted) Tannic acid Distilled water to

    5.     Dissolve tannic acid in water then add melted phenol.

    6.     Fontana's stain.


    Add 10 per cent ammonia solution to 0.5 per cent aqueous silver nitrate solution drop wise, until the precipitate formed just redissolve. Slowly add more silver nitrate solution until the light precipitate reformed and remain stable.


    1.     Prepare the smear and air dry.

    2.     Treat the smear with solution a for three times, each time for 30 seconds.

    3.     Wash the smear with solution b and treat with the same solution for 3 min.

    4.     Remove solution b and dry the slide in air.

    5.     Treat the smear with solution c and heat the slide from below i till steam rises for 30 seconds. Cool.

    6.     Wash the slide with distilled water and air dry.

    7.     Treat the smear with solution d and heat the slide until steam rises and smear becomes brown in colour.

    8.     Wash, dry and examine under oil immersion lens.


    Result: Spirochetes appear brownish black against yellow background.

    Note: Some immersion oils, cause the film to fade at once. Use Canada balsam only.

    2. Becker's method (modified)

    Solution required:

    a.     Fontana's fixative (see fontana's method)

    b.     Mordant (as in fontana's method)

    c.      staining solution.


    Basic fuchsin (Saturated alcoholic solution) Shunk's mordant B (95 or 100% ethanol

    45.0 ml

    aniline oil 4 ml)

    18.0 ml

    Distilled water to

    100.0 ml


    Mix the Shunk's mordant and the alcoholic fuchsin and then add the distilled water. (the glassware should be dry). Filter before use.


    a.       Prepare the smear and dry in air.

    b.      Treat the smear with solution a for 1 to 3. minutes.

    c.       Wash in water.

    d.      Treat the smear with solution b for 3-5 minutes, wash in water.

    e.       Treat the smear with solution c for 3 to 5 minutes.

    f.       Wash in water and dry. Observe under oil immersion lens.

    Result: Spirochetes appear red in colour.

    3.Rue's method

    Solutions required:

    a.     l%Formalin

    b.     5% NaHCO,

    c.      Basic fuchsin

    Basic fuchsin

    95% ethyl alcohol 25.0 ml Dilute the stain 1:9 before use.


    1.     Prepare a smear and air dry.

    2.     Treat the smear with solution a for 1 minute and dry.

    3.     Place a drop of solution b on the smear and then add 10 drops of solution c. Mix well and treat the smear with this mixture for 3-5 minutes.

    4.     Wash with water, dry and examine under oil immersion lens.

    Result: Spirochetes appear red in colour.

    3.  Levaditi's method (Staining of spirochetes in tissues) 
    pyridine modification

    Solutions required:

    a.     a.10% formalin

    b.     %-98% alcohol

    c.      Silver nitrate pyridine solution

    i.      Pure pyridine 10.0 ml

    ii.      Silver nitrate (1 % solution) 90.0 ml

    d.     d.10% pyriding solution

    e.      Reducing fluid


    Acetone (pure)

    10.0 ml

    Pyridine (pure)

    15.0 ml

    Formalin (4%)

    100.0 ml

     Use immediately.


    1.     Keep the small piece of tissue (1 mm thick) in solution a for 24 hrs.

    2.     Wash the tissue for 1 hr in water and then place it in solution b for 24 hrs.

    3.     Treat the tissue by solution c at room temperature for 2 hrs and then at about 50°C for 4 to 6 hrs.

    4.     Wash the tissue section with solution d.

    5.     Treat the tissue immediately by solution e for 48 hrs in the dark.

    6.     'Wash with distilled water, dehydrate with increasing strength of alcohol.

    7.   Proceed for section cutting according to standard procedure.

    Flagella Staining

    Special care should be taken in cleaning slide and preparing bacterial smear in flagella staining.


    a.     Cleaning the slide: Wash the slide with dichromic acid cleaning solution. Wash with distilled water. Pass the slide through Bunsen flame until flame shows yellow colour. I

    b.     Preparation 01 smear: Take agar slant having actively growing young culture. (18- 20 hrs old). Add slowly about 2-4 ml of sterile saline through the side of tube keeping slant in upward position. Rotate the tube slowly between palms or 5 minutes. Incubate the tube at optimum temperature for 40 minutes. Take a small drop of saline suspension from the tube by capillary pipette and put at the one end of slide. Tilt the slide so that the drop will slowly run over the slide and form a smear. Allow the slide to air dry. Do not heat fix the smear. Stain the slide the suitable staining method.


    Method of Bailey (modified) Solutions required

    Bailey's staining solution a.

    1.     6% aqueous FeC13.6H2O        --- 6.0 ml

    2.     10% solution of tannic acid Mix. Filter before use 18.0 ml


    Bailey's staining solution b

    Bailey's solution a 0.5% basic fuchsin

    3.5 ml

    in ethyl alcohol

    0.5 ml

    Concentrated HCl

    0.5 ml


    2.0 ml

    3.     Mix. Filter before use. Use freshly.

    Carbol fuchsin (see acid fast staining)



    Prepare the smear as given above.

    Treat the smear by solution a for about 3-5 minutes.

    Remove the solution a and treat the smear by solution b for 7 minutes.

    Wash with distilled water. Do not dry.

    Treat the smear with solution c immediately and heat it from below till steam rises for 1 min.

    Wash the slide with water, air dry ad examine.


    Result: Flagella and cell wall appear red in colour.

    Method of Patel, Kulkarni and Gaikwad

    Solutions required:


    a.     Tannic acid solution


    Tannic acid

    0.2 gm

    Distilled water to

    100 ml


    b.    Iodine solution


    Iodine crystal

    2.0 g

    1 N NaOH

    10.0 ml


    c.      Basic fuchsin solution

    Basic fuchsin Absolute alcohol Distilled water.



    1.     Prepare a smear as mentioned earlier.

    2.     Treat the smear with 4-6 drops of solution a immediately followed by equal drops of solution b.

    3.     Heat the smear from below gently for 1-2 minutes.

    4.     Add 2-3 drops of solution c to the smear, and again heat for

    5.     Minutes. (do not allow to dry the steam).

    6.     Wash the slide with water, air dry and examine tinder oil immersion lens.


    Result: Bacteria appek red, flagella appear pink in colour.

    Method of Gray

    Solutions required:

    Gray's staining solution

    Solution I


    Saturated solution of aluminium potassium sulphate

    5.0 ml

    20 per cent tannic acid saturated solution of

    2.0 ml

    Mercuric chloride

    2.0 ml


    Solution II


    Basic fuchsin

    6.0 g


    100.0 ml


    Complete Solution


    Solution I


    Solution II

    9.0 ml

    Prepare fresh

    0.4 ml




    1.     Prepare smear as given earlier.

    2.     Treat the smear by solution a for 10 minutes.

    3.     Wash with water air dry and examine under oil immersion lens.


    Result: Flagella appear light red and cells appear dark red in colour.

    Method of Gray-modified

    Solutions required:


    a.     Similar as Gray's staining solution except the concentration of basic fuchsin is doubled.



    a)     Prepare a bacterial suspension as given earlier.

    b)    Place a loopful of suspension on a clean slide and place a cover slip over it.

    c)     After ten minutes place two drops of solution a at one edge of coverslip. Capillary

    d)    action will such the solution below the coverslip.

    e)     Observe the slide after a minute.


    Result: Similar as Gray's method.


    Note: In this method it is possible to observe the m o w and presence of flagella.

    Metachromatic Granules (volutin) Staining

    Method of Gohar

    Solution required:

    Loeffler's methylene blue (see monochrome staiing)


    b. 0.1 % H2SO4

    1% eosin Y.

    b. 0.1 % H2SO4



    1.     Prepare the smear and heat fm.

    2.     Treat the smear with solution a for 5 minutes.

    3.     Wash with water. Treat the smear with solution b for 15-30 seconds

    4.     Wash with water. Treat smear with solution c for 1 minute.

    5.     Wash with water. Treat the smear with solution d for 1 min.

    6.     Wash with water, dry and examine under oil immersion lens.


    Result: Metachromatic granules appear black. Cytoplasm appears pink.

    Method of Pugh I

    Solutions required:


    Staining solution


    Toluidine blue (C1 No. 52040)

    1.0 g

    Ethyl alcohol, absolute

    20.0 ml

    Acetic acid, glacial

       50.0 ml

    Distilled water

    950.0 ml


    Combine the acetic acid with the distilled water and dissolve the dye in the alcohol. Mix. Filter.



    a)     Prepare a smear, air dry and heat fix.

    b)    Treat the smear with solution a for 2-3 minutes.

    c)     Wash with water, air dry and observe under immersion lens.


    Result: Metachromatic granules appear reddish purple in colour. Remaining organism appears light blue.

    Method with methylne blue

    Solution required:


    Loffler's methylene blue (see monochrome staining)



    1.     Prepare a smear and heat fix.

    2.     Treat the smear with solution a for 5 min.

    3.     Wash with water. Air dry and examine under oil immersion lens.


    Result: Metachromatic granules appear red against pale blue cytoplasm.

    Method of Albert (Laybourn modification)

    Solutions required:


    a.    Albert's staining solution


    Toiuidine blue-0

    0.15 g

    Methyl green or Malachite green

    0.2 g

    95% ethyl alcohol

    2.0 g

    Glacial acetic acid

    1.0 ml

    Distilled water

    100.0 ml


    Dissolve toluidine blue and methyl green in ethyl alcohol. Add this to distilled water containing glacial acetic acid. Store the reagent for one day and then filter.

    b.    Lugol's iodine (Grams iodine) see gram staining method.




    1.     Prepare the smear and heat fix.

    2.     Treat the smear with solution a for 5 minutes.

    3.     Remove the solution a, do not wash-with water.

    4.     Treat the wet smear with solution b for 1 minute.

    5.     wash with water, air dry and examine under oil immersion lens.


    Result: Metachromatic granules appear black. Cytoplasm appears light green.

    Lipid Staining (Budon's method)

    Solutions required:


    a)     Sudan black B staining solution Sudan black B

    a.     70% ethyl alcohol Shake before use.

    b)    Xylene

    c)     0.5% safranin.




    1.     Prepare a smear and heat fix.

    2.     Treat the smear with solution anfor about 10.15 minutes.

    3.     Remove solution a and dry it. Do not was with water.

    4.     Wash the smear with solution b.

    5.     Treat the smear with solution c for 5-10 seconds.

    6.     Wash yith water, air dry and examine under oil immersion lens.


    Result: Lipid granules appear deep blue against light pink cytoplasm.

    Cytoplasmic Membrane Staining

    Solutions required:


    a)     Potassium nitrate

    b)    Distilled water to

    c)     Bouin's fixative (see fixatives)

    d)    Victoria blue solution

    Victoria blue        0.4 g

    Distilled water to  100.0 ml




    1.     Prepare a smear and heat fix..

    2.     Immerse the slide in solution a for 15 minutes.

    3.     Treat the slide with solution b for 15 minutes.

    4.     Wash the slide with water. Treat the slide with solution c for 30 seconds.

    5.     Wash the slide with water. Dry and examine under oil immersion lens.


    Result: The cytoplasmic membrane appears as a deep blue outer layer covering a contracted, irregular shaped body, the cytoplasm.


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